sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Nuevo email recibido de KPMG

Hacía más de un mes que no escribíamos nada en el blog porque los casos pendientes se van cerrando poco a poco aunque aún hay varias personas que no han cobrado su dinero y estamos ayudando a los que nos lo indican, con el procedimiento del formulario al FSCS y el seguimiento de la devolución.

Pero hemos recibido por parte de algunos afectados el email que KPMG esté enviando estos días a aquellos que aceptaron la liquidación propuesta en abril por KPMG pero no han compeltado el formulario del FSCS para el cobro del cheque en libras y queremos indicar aquí su contenido.

El email es éste:

Dear XXX

WorldSpreads Limited in special administration

Joint Special Administrators - Samantha Bewick and Jane Moriarty

Our records show that you are a client with a claim to share in the pool of client money held by Worldspreads Limited at the time it entered Special Administration, and that you have agreed with us your final balance as at 30 March 2012. We have passed your details, along with the amount of your agreed balance, to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“the FSCS”) and we understand they have sent you a claim form. However, the FSCS has informed us that, to date, you have not returned that claim form to them.

If you do return your claim form to the FSCS and your claim is accepted, you will receive within a short timeframe from the FSCS the full amount of your agreed loss up to a maximum of £50,000. Should your agreed loss be more than £50,000, the FSCS would pay the first £50,000 and would then pass any distribution of client money or dividend on to you in accordance with its rules, up to the limit of your agreed loss. The Joint Special Administrators are therefore of the view that it is likely to be in your best interests to take advantage of the FSCS. In return, the FSCS requires that you assign your claims to them, which will also be in the best interests of the Special Administration because it will reduce administrative costs. You are, of course, at liberty not to take advantage of the FSCS if you do not wish to do so.

The Joint Special Administrators are proposing to declare an interim distribution of 3p in the £, but the Court has directed that we may, in line with the arrangements set out below, delay paying the amount of the interim distribution in respect of client money claims which, like yours, have been agreed, but in respect of which no claim form has been returned to the FSCS.

Please will you confirm to us by 14 December 2012 whether you will be submitting a claim form to receive the value of your claim up to £50,000 from the FSCS, or alternatively you wish the Joint Special Administrators to pay you an interim distribution of 3p in the £ on your claim?
Your confirmation can be sent by email to worldspreads-enquiries@kpmg.co.uk or by post to the following address:

WorldSpreads Limited (in special administration)
c/o KPMG
8 Salisbury Square

In accordance with the Court’s directions, we will not be in a position to issue a cheque to you without receiving confirmation of your position.

Please also contact us if you require a further copy of the form to claim from the FSCS.

Yours faithfully

for WorldSpreads Limited
SR Bewick
Y lo que dice es que indican que en su día prestaste tu conformidad a la liquidación que te presentaron las administradoras conjuntas de KPMG pero que no has completado el formulario de devolución de fondos del FSCS (Fondo de Compensación) para que te envíen un cheque en libras por el dinero que hay que devolverte.
También dicen que Worldspreads puede pagar un 3% del dinero que los clientes tenían depositado a cada uno, incluso si no has completado el formulario indicado, como reparto provisional, si lo prefieren (aunque luego imagino que no podrás reclamar nada del Fondo.)
A menos que el dinero que tenías depositado fuera inferior a 20 euros, te aconsejamos que completases el formulario del Fondo para recibirlo como un cheque. Digo menos de 20 euros porque las comisiones más baratas que hemos encontrado por ahí de los bancos para cambiarte en euros ese cheque en libras son de 15 euros.

Si quieres hacerlo, tendrías que enviarle al FSCS un email pidiendo el formulario.

Dear Sirs,
I have not yet received the Application Form from the FSCS for the return of my funds at WorldSpreads. Could you please send it to me?
(Tu nombre y tu número de cuenta con Worldspreads)

Cuando te llegue el formulario, ponte en contact contigo y te ayudamos a completarlo.

Un saludo y buen fin de semana,

Gabriel y Ramón

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