Algunas personas están recibiendo un email en inglés que dice que les responderán a su email en el plazo máximo de 7 días. Si alguno lo tiene, sería bueno colgarlo aquí. Parece que están saturados.
Thank you for your email. Please be advised that we are currently receiving a very high volume number of emails regarding the special administration of Worldspreads Limited but we will endeavour to respond to your query within 7 days of receipt.
If you are emailing us a claim form or are responding to a letter we have sent you, this automated reply confirms receipt of such email. If we require any further information in relation to what you have submitted, we will contact you in due course.
For further information, we suggest you monitor the website which we will continue to update as further information becomes available.
Yours sincerely The Joint Special Administrators
Jane Bronwen Moriarty and Samantha Rae Bewick were appointed as joint special administrators of Worldspreads Limited on 18 March 2012. The affairs, business and property of Worldspreads Limited are being managed by the joint special administrators who contract as agents of Worldspreads Limited without personal liability.
Samantha Rae Bewick is authorised to act as an insolvency practitioner by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Jane Bronwen Moriarty is authorised to act as an insolvency practitioner by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland
Worldspreads Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. FSA reference number 230730. Registered in England No. 04898762. Registered Office: 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD.
This email has been sent from KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership (which is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP), from KPMG Europe LLP, from one of the companies within KPMG LLPs control (which include KPMG Audit Plc, KPMG United Kingdom Plc and KPMG UK Limited) or from KPMG Resource Centre Private Limited, together "KPMG". KPMG Europe LLP does not provide services to clients. None of KPMG Europe LLPs subsidiaries have any authority to obligate or bind KPMG Europe LLP. This email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the
Yo si que he recibido respuesta, pero en contestación a un correo que les envié con una cuenta que no uso mucho quejándome de que en la web de WorldSpreads no está escrito en español el texto que explica lo que ha ocurrido.
Pero no he recibido contestación a los dos correos enviados solicitándoles la devolución de fondos, el último adjuntando datos bancarios.
No hay problema en escribir en español. Antes de que nos echaran el lunes por la mañana les hicimos esa misma pregunta y dijeron que pondrían traductores para procesar los emails que no llegaran en inglés. Ramón.
Para todos los clientes conocidos (PDF)
Este es el mail:
ResponderEliminarDear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your email. Please be advised that we are currently receiving a very high volume number of emails regarding the special administration of Worldspreads Limited but we will endeavour to respond to your query within 7 days of receipt.
If you are emailing us a claim form or are responding to a letter we have sent you, this automated reply confirms receipt of such email. If we require any further information in relation to what you have submitted, we will contact you in due course.
For further information, we suggest you monitor the website which we will continue to update as further information becomes available.
Yours sincerely
The Joint Special Administrators
Jane Bronwen Moriarty and Samantha Rae Bewick were appointed as joint special administrators of Worldspreads Limited on 18 March 2012.
The affairs, business and property of Worldspreads Limited are being managed by the joint special administrators who contract as agents of Worldspreads Limited without personal liability.
Samantha Rae Bewick is authorised to act as an insolvency practitioner by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Jane Bronwen Moriarty is authorised to act as an insolvency practitioner by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland
Worldspreads Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. FSA reference number 230730. Registered in England No. 04898762. Registered Office: 3 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7DD.
This email has been sent from KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership (which is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP),
from KPMG Europe LLP, from one of the companies within KPMG LLPs control (which include KPMG Audit Plc,
KPMG United Kingdom Plc and KPMG UK Limited) or from KPMG Resource Centre Private Limited, together "KPMG".
KPMG Europe LLP does not provide services to clients. None of KPMG Europe LLPs subsidiaries have any authority to obligate
or bind KPMG Europe LLP. This email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the
yo no he recibido respuesta y envié dos correos
EliminarYo si que he recibido respuesta, pero en contestación a un correo que les envié con una cuenta que no uso mucho quejándome de que en la web de WorldSpreads no está escrito en español el texto que explica lo que ha ocurrido.
ResponderEliminarPero no he recibido contestación a los dos correos enviados solicitándoles la devolución de fondos, el último adjuntando datos bancarios.
PD: Todos los correos los he enviado en español.
No hay problema en escribir en español. Antes de que nos echaran el lunes por la mañana les hicimos esa misma pregunta y dijeron que pondrían traductores para procesar los emails que no llegaran en inglés. Ramón.
ResponderEliminarHola a todos.
ResponderEliminarOs adjunto algunos PDFs de KPMG que aclaran algunas dudas. En inglés.
Para todos los clientes conocidos (PDF)
Sergio V
La página ahora mismo esta traducida a 7 idiomas, y sorpresaaaa.... el castellano no aparece ;((((